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Remote Learning

Since the first lockdown in March 2020, the Trust has invested a huge amount of resource into professional development and ICT infrastructure to allow us to achieve a high level of quality wherever remote learning is required. This has been hugely successful in allowing our students and staff to continue lessons virtually or for students to join lessons in the academy whilst isolating at home. As the pandemic wound down, we are no longer running remote lessons, but the technology is still there. This technology can now be used in different ways to allow us to offer our students anytime and anywhere access on any internet enabled device to learning resources.


We use the Microsoft Office 365 platform to allow our students and teachers access to work, learning resources, class materials, and communication and collaboration tools. Students can use their email address and academy password to access these resources here:


 A large part of what we now do is based on Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

There is also a Teams app on all the major app stores to allow easy access on devices to Teams. Every student has a dedicated ‘Team’ for every class they are in. Here teachers can share resources, communicate outside of lesson time, and set assignments. Students can also use these teams to collaborate on documents and submit work.

We fully intend to continue to develop our Office365 platform to facilitate improved access to education resources.

To facilitate suitable student access, we have purchased several devices as a Trust and have gratefully received a significant number of devices as part of the Department for Education (DfE) Laptops for Students programme. These devices can be allocated as needed to support students. We also have 4G/WiFi dongles available to support families who do not have suitable broadband or mobile data access.

It is our aim to ensure that our remote learning content is as user-friendly, accessible, and secure as possible. To achieve this, we set up any devices we send out with full monitoring and filtering along with similar software and files that are available on internal networks within the academy. We can also monitor students access and content on Office365 to ensure it is used appropriately.